Simply Food
Contact Us
Frequently Asked Questions
You'll handle everything - menu planning, shopping, cooking and cleaning up?
I know it sounds too good to be true, but indeed, you will not have to do anything but reheat these nutritious meals and eat them. That way you can focus on other matters important in your life.
Do you only cook fancy or gourmet meals?
The beauty of having a personal chef is that you get to decide what you want me to cook. Selecting from my sample menu or providing your own favorite recipes. I will cook as sophisticated or as down-home as you prefer.
Why do you not cook the meals in your own home and deliver them to me?
Connecticut health codes require I cook the meals in your home or in a commercial kitchen.
Do I have a choice about ingredients?
Yes, everything about my service is your choice. But unless you tell me otherwise, I will always choose organic locally produced and seasonal ingredients whenever possible. I want you to have the freshest ingredients that are good for you and for the environment. In some cases I will buy produce directly from the farmers markets, supporting local farmers who use sustainable agriculture practices.
I am not sure I can afford your service.
If you consider the amount of time you would spend menu planning, shopping, driving to and from the store, cooking and cleaning up, an average week's worth of dinners take about 15 hours. That's 15 precious hours you could have to pursue your other interests, take care of your life business or spend relaxing with your family. And in most cases it is less expensive than eating in a restaurant, which includes driving to and from the restaurant, waiting to be served and coping with menu limitations.
Will you pick up a few other grocery items for me while you are at the store?
If it is under ten items, I would be happy to pick them up for you while I am shopping for the ingredients for your meals.